Monday, October 5, 2015

Week in Review - September 28, 2015 - October 4, 2015

I cannot stress how much time we do NOT Have here in the internet cafe stuff that they have here.  it is almost impossible to be able to share all that you want to share.  And for that reason the other day I wrote it out before and sent it to you guys so you could at least read it.  But that is also increasingly difficult to do as it also takes up time that I am finding that I do not have as we are planning trainings, talking to other missionaries about their areas (because they call super late and they do not respect the time of other missionaries, but that is another topic).  So, if this email seems a bit low on the details sorry, I am trying my best on trying to get all of what happens into this email in a few minutes.  Also, My USB that I have just got a worm virus.  Yea.  So, With all these things I have the 1 hour of internet. Yea!

So, starting with Monday we had P-DAY. Basically it was a companionship p day where we just did shopping and got the stuff we needed for the week. As Elder Ottley is finishing his mission in a few weeks we are doing some super fun shopping like recuerdos and what not. Needless to say I have been inspired to start some shopping for home as well.  I'm not done, but I am getting a good chunk done.  I wont tell you what I am getting, but just be satisfied that I am getting it. And you will like them!  I guarantee it.,  

Tuesday we had our District Meeting.  Not much new stuff, just fun to hear about the other missionaries and see how and what they are teaching the other investigators and less active members in their areas.  And how as of yet hardly any of the ward members are aware that there is General Conference this week.  That could be a problem.  Later today we began to search for pickup trucks because the sisters in Concepción are moving tomorrow and don't have any means to make the move.  Just love it when the plans we made and told people we would pay them just decide to bail on us, and not even tell us. Tomorrow should be super fun!  hahahaha

Today we had the lovely opportunity to move the sisters from Concepción.  Found a guy with a pickup moving truck, and had him  help us move the sisters over to their beautiful room where they basically are living in a Mini Mansion, with huge grass lawns, sheep, fountains, the works.  It is a beautiful house, but it was a pain in the butt to do the moving, and convince the sisters that the only way all their stuff and their million bags will fit is if we do it in the following way.  Yup, that was a fun one to show, but after about 2 hours of showing and moving and what not, we got it all in, and settled down.  Hope that lasts for a while there.  Ugh....  Also, later on today we went past a less active and I gifted a copy of the Simplified hymns to his son who is learning the piano.  He got straight to it and began practicing the simplified hymns.  i really hope that even with this it will help them to have a bit more desire to stay in the church, and at the very least, learn some more piano, an art here that almost doesn't exist. 

Thursday we had interviews.  As Zone Leaders we had to be there all day to supervise the others while they were waiting, and help out doing practices with the Assistants and the missionaries in our Zone.  Started at like 8 Am and finished for Lunch.  Had a nice chat with President, but it is always hard to read him sometimes, not in a bad way, just in a way that he will say something in a code (I feel) and then you have to figure it out.  ugh... hahaha but it is all good.

Later on today we get a call from the Stake Family History lady.  She found in the chapel today a couple who came to the chapel looking for missionaries from our area.  They are having a few problems in their family and felt the need to search out the missionaries.  The mom didn't know why, where, or how to do it, but found a number in her phone that actually worked, called it and got directions to the church building.  Happened to find somebody there, and the chapel was open, gave us a call, and we came right over.  It worked out great.  We now are visiting the family, and we know where they live.  There are so many miracles that happen like that here, that there isn't enough time or room to write them all.

Friday, I ended up doing a Baptism Interview for somebody in another one of our Districts. Over 1 and a half hours later we finished the interview. Woah. This was by far the most spiritually uplifting interview I have ever done.  The ability to apply repentance to the life of somebody and watch them make the change, and apply the principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is something amazing to witness.  Put him with goals, approved his baptism. Woah. What am I being prepared for.  That was draining, but in the same breath, uplifting. 

Saturday and Sunday, I will put in next weeks email, there is not enough time to talk about General Conference. But just let it be said that I watched the 5 session in ENGLISH! Woo!! We had our own little room and everything, it was great... I will talk more about that next week.

Love you all!  Hope you have a great week! 

Elder Holmes

Huancayo, Peru

[PS: No photos this week, just not enough time.}

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