[No pictures this week.]
Transfers! I need to think that the week of transfers was all fun and dandy until I became a Zone leader, and had to do it all. Not to mention Elder Ottley finished his mission, so I was unavailable to ask for help. Wasn't too bad, just stressful, for the time and all, we had to send, and arrange transfers for one Elder or Sister in every companionship, so that became a bit costly and stressful. A few from Huancayo to other areas inside of Juancayo, a few to Tarma, and to Huanuco, and even to Huancavelica. So basically my day was to babysit missionaries - - no just kidding, it is because a bunch of them were without companionships, and belong to areas over 1 hour away, so it wasn't a great idea to send them to their area just to have them be called back. So, at one time in our room (between 2 zones) we had like 14 elders in our room, eating and waiting for their new companions. Ugh. The kitchen is empty! We got them all sent off and at the end of the day I was able to pick up my new companion Elder Schreiner, from Utah... A bit late in the day to actually do much visits, and I had planed our appointments for the following days because I didn't know from were he was coming..: So, all is well on the transfer font. I was able to send and pay for everybody to get to their new areas, and meet their new companions.
This week has been nuts, but good. It's raining more here, because apparently we are in preparation for El NiƱo which is on its way for December. They are modifying all the school schedules so they can finish before the storm. Even Saturdays and Sundays they are studying now... it's nuts. I don't even think it will be that bad, they get into habits sometimes of over exaggerating.. So we will see..
All in all this week was pretty calm after transfers. We made a cake in our Bakery Friends place. It is the cake that is the first layer cookie dough, next is Oreos, and the last one is brownie mix. Yup. It was delicious. We went and ate it in the office with the secretaries and the assistants when we went to go and pick up packages.
Also, this week we had our Area Conference which consisted of Peru and Bolivia. The speakers were Marcus B. Nash, Sis. Cheryl A Esplin, Juan A Uceda, and Elder Neil L. Anderson. ALL of them spoke in Spanish, except for Cheryl Esplin. Great talks, which focused on Sabbath day, and temple attendance, at any cost, any distance.
Sorry its a bit short this week, and there are no photos, but next week I will try to do something...
Love you all, and hope you have a great week!
P.S. I slept this week.
Elder Holmes
Huancayo, Peru
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